
The repo hosts all documentations, news, and notes about V.A.P.E Capstone project

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V.A.P.E Meeting Minutes

DevOps Pipeline
Vibraneur Capstone ยท GitHub


This is an ongoing document, please keep this up to date

First meeting (Sep 15th 2019)


  1. Team norms
  2. How Sprint works
  3. User stories
  4. Definition of Done
  5. Project management tool

Main points:

  1. Two main branches on each repo, master and develop. The former one should serve as stable/release branch, while the later is for constant development.
  2. All code must be merged through pull requests to develop branch from a feature branch first prior to master branch. e.g feature/kurtosis_interface -> develop -> master .
  3. pull requests to develop branch requires at least one approval review. master branch would require all team members approval review.
  4. Sprint interval is set to 2 weeks. At the end of each sprint, team will host sprint review and planning meeting (Sunday morning. Time TBD)
  5. User stories should represent a feature/functionality that are ideally small, easy to test and review.
  6. Unit testing is one of the acceptance criteria of User story
  7. Trello is the Agile management tool
  8. Team should review pull requests in an efficient manner to avoid merging conflicts


  1. Create user stories in the backlog
  2. Set up local develop enviornment
  3. Get familiar with the work flow (Github pull requests, merging to develop, master, etc) (Updating documentation for our Github Org is a good example)
  4. Get familiar with Trello]

Second Meeting (Sep 25th 2019)

First Spring planning meeting

Committed 14 stories, 38 points